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Prairie Hills USD 113


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 CDSHS Technology  Computer


Instructor: Mr. Bauman

Email: baumann@usd113.org


Interactive Media Media Technology-Workplace Experience
The Interactive Media courses provide students with the knowledge and skills to create, design, and produce interactive media products and services. The courses may emphasize the development of digitally generated and/ or computer enhanced media. Course topics may include 3D animation, graphic media, web development, and virtual reality. Upon completion of these courses, students may be prepared for industry certification. Provides students with work experience in fields related to media technology. Goals are typically set cooperatively by the student, teacher, and employer. These courses may include classroom activities as well, involving further study of the field or discussion regarding experiences.

Web Page Design

This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of hypertext markup language (HTML) and teach the fundamentals of using graphical user interface (GUI) applications for web page design. Included will be the development of personal web pages, commercial web pages, and development/maintenance of the Sabetha High School web site. After completion of this course, students will be able to create web pages using hypertext, hyperlinks, tables, forms, graphics, and style sheets. Students will be able to use Adobe Dreamweaver in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash, and Windows Moviemaker to create multifaceted web sites.

Ali Herrmann working on her web page design.

Student created page