Biology 1 |
Course Description: A lab science course required of freshman. Biology 1 covers general principles of biology, the study of living things—scientific method, ecology, metabolism, cellular biology, genetics, reproduction, microscopic organisms, plants, animals and much more! |
Prerequisite(s): None |
Duration/Credit: Year/1.0 |
Instructor: Mr. Moeller, (Class Website) |
Biology 2 |
Course Description: A year-long course recommended for juniors and seniors. A general education course with study relative to both plant and animal kingdoms, their fundamental principles and processes of life, and their relationship to everyday life. Chemistry or concurrent enrollment in chemistry is strongly suggested. |
Prerequisite(s): Biology 1 |
Duration/Credit: Year/1.0 |
Instructor: Mr. Moeller, (Class Website) |
Anatomy and Physiology |
Course Description: This course covers the anatomical study of the systems forming the human body. Emphasis is placed on the organs forming each system, the embryonic development of the system, and the functions of the tissues and organs of each system. A brief physiological review is covered with each system. Recommended for students interested in nursing, veterinary work, any medical field, or anyone with an interest in the miraculous human body! Coursework involves dissection of a cat and various body parts. |
Prerequisite(s): Biology 1 |
Duration/Credit: Year/1.0 |
Instructor: Mr. Moeller, (Class Website) |
Chemistry 1 |
Course Description: This course is intended to serve as a foundation for college level chemistry courses. Areas of focus are the design and use of the periodic table, proper lab techniques, lab safety procedures, and advanced problem solving in chemistry. Topics covered include structure of the atom, organization of the periodic table, stoichiometry, gas laws, and solution concentrations. It is highly recommended that students have completed biology before chemistry. Algebra 2 or concurrent enrollment in Algebra 2 is also highly recommended. |
Prerequisite(s): Algebra 1 |
Duration/Credit: Year/1.0 |
Instructor: Mr. Cole, (Class Website) |
Physics |
Course Description: This course is intended to serve as a foundation for college level physics courses. Areas of focus are performing long term science/research projects, application of equations to practical situations, and advanced problem solving in physics. Topics will include mechanics, thermodynamics, light, sound, and nuclear physics. Trigonometry or concurrent enrollment in Trigonometry is highly recommended. |
Prerequisite(s): Algebra 2, Geometry |
Duration/Credit: Year/1.0 |
Instructor: Mr. Cole, (Class Website) |
Plant and Soil Science |
Course Description: Soil science is the study of soil as a natural resource on the surface of the Earth including soil formation, classification and mapping; physical, chemical, biological, and fertility properties of soils; and these properties in relation to the use and management of soils. Incorporating Plant Science with the knowledge of soil may jump start your knowledge of plant functions and processes. |
Prerequisite(s): Introduction to Agriculture, or instructor approval |
Duration/Credit: Year/1.0 |
Instructor: Mr. Bauerle |
Animal Science |
Course Description: This course may fulfill a student’s science elective graduation requirement. A continuation into the various disciplines of animal science. A great course for learning the general biology of animals and the skills needed to correctly manage them. Units covered in this course include leadership, anatomy & physiology, traditional domestic livestock management (beef, sheep, swine, horse, dairy, etc.), record keeping, non-traditional livestock management (bison, llama, aquaculture, apiculture, etc.), genetics, nutrition, animal behavior and facility design. |
Prerequisite: Introduction to Agriculture, or instructor approval. |
Duration/Credit: Year/1.0 |
Instructor: Mr. Bauerle |