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Prairie Hills USD 113


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7th Grade

3/31/2025 - 4/4/2025

Language Arts - Mrs. Aberle


Math - Mrs. Becker

Pre-Algebra - Mrs. Schremmer

Monday No School Monday No School
Tuesday State Assessments/Pi Day Tuesday Simple & Compound Probability Review, A: Worksheet
Wednesday State Assessments Wednesday Generate Equivalent Expressions Review, A: Worksheet
Thursday State Assessments/Pi Day Thursday Expressions, Equations, & Inequalities Review, A: Worksheet
Friday State Assessments Friday Ratios & Proportional Relationships Review, A: Worksheet

Science - Mrs. Krebs

Science - Mrs. Burger
Monday Inservice--no school Monday No School In-Service
Tuesday Mystery Disease--research Tuesday

Interactivity: "Resources in Use" and "Distribution of Minerals"

Quest check-in: "Surviving on Minerals" *Kahoot: "Energy Resources"

Wednesday Mystery Disease--project Wednesday

Quiz 6.3 "Mineral Resources"

Nearpod Notes #25-end

Thursday Mystery Disease--present Thursday

Read and Activities p. 294-298

Lab Video and Report: "Artesian Well" *Interactivity: "Distribution of Water"

Friday   Friday

Quiz 6.4

Quest Findings: "Travel Brochure"***Pick a Boomtown

Social Studies - Mrs. Georg

Social Studies - Mrs. Stueve
Monday No School- Inservice Monday No School - Inservice
Tuesday Read 8-1 (pages 270-277) Tuesday Project Work Day
Wednesday 8-1 Notes #1-30 whole group Wednesday Project Workday - Approve Recipe
Thursday 8-1 Notes # 31-77 own Thursday Project Workday
Friday Read 8-2 (p 278-286) Friday Project Due @ the end of the Hour


3/24/2025 - 3/28/2025

Language Arts - Mrs. Aberle

Monday RB Lesson 6-1
Tuesday ELA State Assessments
Wednesday ELA State Assessments
Thursday Mission Giver Section 4 -- Objectives 2 & 3
Friday Read Giver Section 5

Math - Mrs. Becker

Pre-Algebra - Mrs. Schremmer

Monday Sec. 9.1 Circumference of Circles; 9.1 Explore Activity Monday Sec. 11-1 Vertical & Adjacent Angles, A: pg. 687 #1-8all, 10, 11, 12, Watch Sec. 11-2 Video
Tuesday Cont. Sec. 9.1; HW: pg. 455-456; 1-9 (odds) Tuesday Sec. 11-2 Complementary & Supplementary Angles, A: pg. 697 #1-12all, 14, 16
Wednesday Sec. 9.2 Area of Circles Wednesday Scale Drawings, Area, Surface Area & Volume Review, A: Worksheet
Thursday Cont. Sec. 9.2; HW: pg. 465-466; 1-9 (odds) Thursday Statistics Review, A: Worksheet
Friday Sec. 9.3 Area of Composite Figures; HW: pg. 473-474; 1-9 (odds) Friday Operations with Rational Numbers Review, A: Worksheet

Science - Mrs. Krebs

Science - Mrs. Burger
Monday Mystery Disease Introduction and teams Monday

Topic 6 "Distribution of Natural Resources"

Nearpod #1-9 and Quest Kick-Off

Tuesday Mystery Disease group work Tuesday

Read p. 261-270 and Activities Lab Video and Report: "Fossil Fuels"

Interactivity: "Distribution of Natural Resources" and "Fossil Fuels Sources"

Wednesday Mystery Disease group work Wednesday

Quiz 6.1

Nearpod #10-16; Quest Check-In: "Surviving on Fossil Fuels"

Thursday Mystery Disease group work Thursday

Video: "Renewable Energy Resources" Test p. 277-280

Interactivity: "Using Renewable Resources" and "Renewable Resource Ranges"

Friday Mystery Disease group work Friday

Quiz 6.2

Quest Check-In "Renewable Resources"; Nearpod Notes #17-20

Social Studies - Mrs. Georg

Social Studies - Mrs. Stueve
Monday Read 7-2 (page 243-251) Monday CBA
Tuesday 7-2 Notes #1-42 all Tuesday CBA
Wednesday Read 7-3 (252-265) Wednesday CBA
Thursday 7-3 Notes #1-58 Thursday CBA
Friday 7-3 Notes # 59-104 Friday Project Introduction - CBA due