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Prairie Hills USD 113


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District Email Addresses

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Last, First Names Position Email
Aadalen, Adam Vocal Music SHS - SMS aadalena@usd113.org
Aberle, Kathryn English-SHS;  Language Arts- SMS aberlek@usd113.org
Ackley, Marcus English - SHS, Yearbook ackleym@usd113.org
Arment Valerie Psychologist – Sabetha armentv@usd113.org
Badertscher, Elizabeth STEM - SHS/SMS  badertse@usd113.org
Bauerle, Chris VoAg- SHS bauerlec@usd113.org
Bauerle, Marcia Library SES bauerlem@usd113.org
Bauman, Nathan Principal - SHS baumann@usd113.org
Baumgartner, Chris Head Custodian - SHS baumgarc@usd113.org
Baumgartner, Lisa Instructional Support-SES baumgarl@usd113.org
Becker, Kymbrie Math - SMS beckerk@usd113.org
Becker, Megan Student/Family Liaison beckerm@usd113.org
Brockhoff, Johanna English - SHS brockhoj@usd113.org
Broxterman, Lisa Social Studies-Axtell broxterl@usd113.org
Bruggeman, Ross History - SHS bruggemr@usd113.org
Bruna, Alison 5th grade - Axtell brunaa@usd113.org
Buessing, Erika Speech - Axtell buessine@usd113.org
Burger, Jenna 5th Grade SES burgerj@usd113.org
Burger, Tresa Science - SMS burgert@usd113.org
Buser, Loretta Secretary - SMS buserl@usd113.org
Cameron, Laurie Food Service - Axtell cameronl@usd113.org
Chandler, Susan Accounts Receivable - District Office chandles@usd113.org
Claycamp, Joe Custodian - SHS claycampj@usd113.org
Cox, Trenton Industrial Arts/Tech- SMS, SHS coxt@usd113.org
Creek, Ricky IRC - 9-12 - SHS creekr@usd113.org
Damman, Deb Accounting Supervisor/ BOE Clerk - BOE office dammand@usd113.org
Dornes, Melissa Health Aide - SES dornesm@usd113.org
Duryea, Aaron 4th Grade - Axtell duryeaa@usd113.org
Edelman, Kay Food Service Manager- Sabetha edelmank@usd113.org
Edelman, Monica Spanish - SHS edelmamo@usd113.org
Edelman Trevin Technology SMS edelmant@usd113.org
Edelman, Yalana 2nd Grade - SES edelmany@usd113.org
Evans, Briana Guidance Counselor SHS WHS evansb@usd113.org
Evans, Todd Superintendent evanst@usd113.org
Fischer, Julia 2nd grade - Axtell fischerj@usd113.org
Frazee, Gay Principal - Axtell frazeeg@usd113.org
Frey, Shari IRC-SES freys@usd113.org
Garber, Matthew Principal SMS garberm@usd113.org
Georg, Kara 6th & 7th Grade Social Studies SMS georgk@usd113.org
Gilbert, Risa Kindergarten- Axtell gilbertr@usd113.org
Glick, Megan Physical Education-SMS schoenfm@usd113.org
Grimm, Cherie Bookkeeper/Secretary SHS grimmc@usd113.org
Gruber, Joseph Business-Computer-SHS gruberj@usd113.org
Hamilton, Curtis Social Studies - SHS hamiltoc@usd113.org
Hann, Megan Kindergarten- SES hannm@usd113.org
Hay, Sarah Art - SES-SMS-WES hays@usd113.org
Herrmann, Jennifer Intervention Teacher - SES herrmanj@usd113.org
Hopp, Linda Business - Axtell hoppl@usd113.org
Howard, Julie IRC - SMS howardj@usd113.org
Hughes, Tina 5th Grade SES hughest@usd113.org
Johnson, Devon Preschool-Sabetha johnsond@usd113.org
Johnson, Lyssia Kindergarten - SES johnsonl@usd113.org
Jones, Brian District Transportation Supervisor jonesb@usd113.org
Kaster, Cynthia Library Aid/Instructional Support - Axtell kasterc@usd113.org
Keim, Amy Instructional Support - SES keima@usd113.org
Keim, Michelle 1st Grade -  SES keimm@usd113.org
Kess, Ann Instructional Support - SES kessa@usd113.org
Koch, Aaron Head Custodian - SES kocha@usd113.org
Kocher, Keyanna Science - Axtell kocherk@usd113.org
Krebs, Christine 6-7 grade Science SMS krebsc@usd113.org
Kuckelman, Julie Physical Education-SES bloomfij@usd113.org
Kuckelman, Rose Math-Axtell kuckelmr@usd113.org
Lierz, Bailey Pre-school - Holton Special Ed lierzb@usd113.org
Lierz, Jenny Instructional Support - Axtell lierzj@usd113.org
Lillie, Andrew Principal, SES lilliea@usd113.org
Lindeen, Alisha Instructional Support - Axtell lindeena@usd113.org
Manche, Malerie PE - SHS manchem@usd113.org
Mann, Nicole 1st Grade - SES mannn@usd113.org
Mathewson, Amy 3rd & 4th Grade - Axtell mathewsa@usd113.org
McAfee, Alexander P.E. SMS mcafeea@usd113.org
McCoy, Timothy Science SHS mccoyt@usd113.org
McGill, Elysia Vocal Music - SES mcgille@usd113.org
Meade, Brandi 1st Grade - SES  meadeb@usd113.org
Menold Rita Instructional Support - SES menoldr@usd113.org
Menold Wanda Occupational Therapist menoldw@usd113.org
Meyer, Holly Instructional Support - SES meyerh@usd113.org
Meyer, Paige Holton Special Ed - Axtell meyerp@usd113.org
Michael Dana Guidance Counselor - SES, SMS michaeld@usd113.org
Michael, Garrett P.E. SHS michaelg@usd113.org
Moeller, Kaleb Biology, AD - SHS moellerk@usd113.org
Mong, Angel 5th Grade - Axtell monga@usd113.org
Moore, Julinne Speech - District moorej@usd113.org
Niehues, Ashley Food Service Supervisor - District niehuesa@usd113.org
Oehm, Marilyn 5th Grade - SES oehmm@usd113.org
Orton, Vern District Computer Technician ortonv@usd113.org
Othmer, Lisa Instrumental and Vocal Music, Axtell othmerl@usd113.org
Papa, Leigha Instructional Support-APS ortonl@usd113.org
Pearson, Martha ELA - SMS & Instructional Support-SMS pearsonm@usd113.org
Ploeger Jessica 3rd Grade SES ploegerj@usd113.org
Plumlee, Braden Band - SMS, SHS, SES plumleeb@usd113.org
Porting, Tammy District Nurse part time - AxtellM portingt@usd113.org
Pyle, Kimberli Kindergarten SES pylek@usd113.org
Rausch, Courtney Paraeducator - SMS rauschc@usd113.org
Reith, Darrin Network Administrator - District reithd@usd113.org
Richardson, Nicolas 4th Grade SES richardn@usd113.org
Rieschick, Brian Chemistry, Physics, Drivers Ed - SHS rieschib@usd113.org
Rokey, Susan Holton Special Ed- SES rokeys@usd113.org
Ronnebaum Deborah  Social Studies/Career Coordinator - Axtell ronnebad@usd113.org
Sandmann, Katie Preschool & MS - Axtell sandmank@usd113.org
Schaffer, Kimberly K-5 STEM - SES schaffek@usd113.org
Schmelzle, Shelly Speech Language Pathologist schmelzs@usd113.org
Schrag, Dustin Computers - SMS schragd@usd113.org
Schremmer, Heather Math SMS schremmh@usd113.org
Schuette, Christa Kindergarten SES schuettc@usd113.org
Shafer, Kaitlin SES Secretary shaferk@usd113.org
Smith, Cari District Nurse smithc@usd113.org
Stallbaumer Kortney 3rd Grade - SES stallbak@usd113.org
Stallbaumer, Jacque Math SHS stallbja@usd113.org
Stover, Christina 4th Grade SES stoverc@usd113.org
Strahm, Kelsi 2nd Grade - SES strahmk@usd113.org
Strathman, Dean Head Custodian - SMS strathmd@usd113.org
Strathman, Kristin Vo-Ag-Axtell strathmkr@usd113.org
Strathman, Thelma Math - SHS strathmt@usd113.org
Streett, Jennifer 2nd Grade - SES streettj@usd113.org
Stueve, Abigail Social Studies - SMS stuevea@usd113.org
Suhr, Lisa Director of Student Learning suhrl@usd113.org
Tynon, Jayson PE - Axtell tynonj@usd113.org
Uphaus, Briana 1st Grade Axtell uphausb@usd113.org
Wehner, Kristy Holton SpEd para SHS wehnerk@usd113.org
Werner, Anne 2nd Grade - SES wernera@usd113.org
Wertenberger, Jobi 4th Grade - SES wertenbjo@usd113.org
Wertenberger, Josh Math - SHS wertenbj@usd113.org
Wikle, Tara Holton Special Ed. IRC - SHS wiklet@usd113.org
Wiltz, Cindy 1st Grade - SES wiltzc@usd113.org
Wittwer, Lindsay Secretary SHS wittwerl@usd113.org