Efforts are being made at USD #113, to address bullying.
Efforts are being made at USD #113, to address bullying. Therefore, we would like to give you the following suggestions, if you would like to air a concern.
*Contact the teacher and make a written note at home, documenting the concern, date you talked with the teacher, and how the issue was resolved.
*If your concern continues, contact the building principal in writing and be sure to sign your name. You may contact the principal by phone or in person at any time.
*If, after the previous steps, you do not feel like the issue has been resolved, continue to inform the principal. At this time, the principal will make a decision about further steps that need to be taken.
***If you feel your child will receive repercussions as a result of your concern, be sure to inform the teacher or principal. Administration will address this issue with the teacher.
In conclusion, we have a positive climate in our schools in USD #113 Prairie Hills. However, there are times when bullying situations occur that need to be addressed. USD 113’s staff is making a concerted effort to enhance our environment. We need the help of students and parents. If your child or you have a concern, but are not willing to contact staff, change cannot occur. Let’s all work together to make a positive difference!