Foreign Language
Instructor: Senora Maria Celi Merino Zazo (

Spanish 1

Prerequisite: None

Course Description: Spanish 1 is an introduction to Spanish as a second language. It involves an interactive study of basic vocabulary, grammar, speaking, listening, and writing skill. It also includes a study of the geography, food, and cultural themes relevant to the Spanish-speaking world today. Students will be expected to come to class with a positive attitude and to practice the language both in and out of class.

Duration/Credit: Year/1.0

Spanish 2

Prerequisite: Spanish 1

Course Description: Spanish 2 is a continuation and expansion of the vocabulary and grammar learned in Spanish 1. Students will be introduced to more difficult grammar concepts, including past tenses, and are exposed to more in-depth cultural themes relevant to the Spanish-speaking world today. Students will be expected to come to class with a positive attitude and to practice the language both in and out of class.

Duration/Credit: Year/1.0


Spanish 3-4


Prerequisite: Spanish 1/2

Course Descriptions: Spanish 3 / 4 is a continuation and expansion of the vocabulary and grammar learned in Spanish 2 / 3. Students will master elementary Spanish skills and be introduced to most verb tenses, as well as more extensive vocabulary and relevant cultural themes. Students will be expected to come to class with a positive attitude and to practice the language both in and out of class.

Duration/Credit: Year/1.0

By: Cameron Mirrione

Last Updated: November 19, 2021